zondag, januari 24, 2010

lost and refound

I am fascinated by the idea that when you loose a belonging it will float in a new sort of cosmos. This cosmos exists between private and public space. The object still belongs to his/her owner, but also maybe not anymore... does it belong to no one?

Anyway.. That was the starting point of this project.
I researched the subject lost and found and stumbled on a few websites where people can report objects they have lost or found. I realized that when you loose your belonging you can’t make a picture of it anymore and the only way make it recognizable and get it back, is to describe it. The descriptions I found were so personal and open for interpretation, that I really got inspired!

The descriptions of stuffed animals touched me at most. Small children cherish and love them even when they’re falling apart from all the cuddling and dragging around. I felt so bad that they lost their animal that I decided to re-make and return them. By re-designing the animals I brought the personal descriptions and my interpretation of them together and created something new.

dinsdag, januari 19, 2010

well being project

zondag, januari 17, 2010

stuffed animal: cat

lost and re-made project:
i felt so sorry for the kids that lost their favorite stuffed animal that i decided to make them a new one. i found descriptions of lost stuffed animals and according to the description i re-made them.

description of this cat:
On friday october the 9th my son lost his stuffed animal. The cat is quite worn out and has been fixed with plasters. The cat has a light brown colour.

(it's going to be stuffed and worn out, and there are going to be some plasters ofcourse!)

stuffed animal: mouse

the description of this mouse:
Lost white mouse with musicbox, orange threats on it. my son is really attached to it!

(the music box is going to be on his back)

stuffed animal: rabbit

the description for this rabbit:
Well hugged rabbit with orange shirt, +/- 2o/25 cm big. hole in the cheek but oh so important!

maandag, januari 11, 2010

inspiring articles

soes is lief!

dinsdag, januari 05, 2010

almost 300 visitors!

i'm so curious who you are......
it's kind of exciting not to know who's looking at my blog, but i would like to know what you think of my posts!

so please.. don't be shy!